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App features

Our Services

Clysterum offers you the opportunity to adopt a healthy lifestyle and providesfree services that you can use when you need them.

What's the use?

Services and Features

We prioritize your health and the health of your loved ones with the Clysterum mobile application. We are expanding the features of the application based on therequested needs.

The Emergency Blood Request section is a service where individuals and hospitalsin urgent need of blood donations can post their requests, and other users can respondto these requests..

The Medication Reminder is a service designed to assist individuals who require regular medication intake in taking their medications on time.It helps users remember to take their medications at the prescribed intervals.

The section on our website where health articles and writings are published is a platform that gathers informative and interesting content for readers. It is a platform where we provide readers with engaging and useful content.

We provide this service to our users to meet their medication needs in emergency situations. We assist them in easily finding on-duty pharmaciesand procuring the medications they require.

You can earn Clysterum tokens by walking. You can use your Clysterum tokens for your health-related needs.
Available in the
Chrome Web Store

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“I would like to thank the customer service support team. They are very successful in terms of interest and relevance, I would definitely recommend them.”

Erocci / user

“This is a very useful and practical application. I have no doubt that it will become even better with upcoming updates. Being able to easily see the on-duty pharmacies provides a great convenience. Thanks, Clysterum.”

Rojhat D. / user

“This is a well-thought-out and beautifully designed application. I really like the fact that the application has its own token,is local, and is continuously being developed. Well done.

Kerem Ç. / user